Available courses

Fabricating metal objects comprises a discipline on its own, independent of welding.  Welding is just one way to join two pieces of metal.  However, to achieve great welds, you need great fitting of the individual pieces.  That's where fabrication comes in.  This skill allows you to precisely cut and fit pieces of metal together to make various projects, whether they are welded, bolted, riveted, or soldered / brazed.

Exercise your creativity with metal, designing attractive and functional welded objects.  Finish the metal with various substances, including patinas and coatings.

Approach learning an instrument from the role of composing.  This changes the focus from becoming a skilled technician to someone who uses instruments to express music.  Tapping into the energy of creating original music motivates you to learn various instruments as a means to realize the sounds in your imagination.  This approach relies more upon the pleasure of bringing musical ideas into existence than the willpower and perseverance of traditional modes of instruction.

Design and build a hoop-house workshop using steel, foam insulation, and plastic.  This structure may be built for much lower costs than a conventional building.  It may also be considered non-permanent, which will usually not raise property taxes.

Learn how to weld with the traditional consumable stick arc welding and then graduate to the more advanced tungsten electrode process.  These processes will enable you to weld just about anything, indoors or outdoors, and will train you to control the molten metal puddle.  After mastering these two techniques, you will be ready to use the MIG process with more success and confidence, should you require a higher production method.